Sexual Harrassment and Online Coercion

 Another high alert matter: your online semblance is not monetizable without consent. You have legal rights to your privacy. Coercion on the matter of your physical semblance is considered deeply linked to rape and will be treated that way. 

We confirm and continue to illustrate that rape culture has reached new highs in the United States. 

You have the right to share or not share whatever you want, you have the right to reject sexual advances, and the sexual frustration of another human being is on them and their inability to basically control their sexual appetites. You have the right to not accept sexual possession as sane, attractive, or worthy. 

We confirm that we are not being led so much as we are being dragged around by someone's id at this point. 

What this sounds like

1. "I won't give you access to x, y, z unless you send nudes." 

2. "I will punish you if I don't see enough of your selfies and body." 

3. "I will not give you any of your earned merit if you are asexual. I am unable to understand any other value outside of sex." 

4. "I will shadow ban you if you do not do as I say financially, sexually, or communicatively. I am not able to tolerate dissent because it makes me feel inferior."

You have a right to due process, you have a right to say no to sexual advance, and you deserve to have your sexuality respected. You deserve to have leaders that have basic control of themselves.

We affirm that lack of due process is a form of stupidity, and will not continue to hear these rationalizations upon the basis of intelligence while taking such a self-contradictory position. Thank you.  


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