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We're Solving Society

  What Our Project is Going to Require   WE’RE SOLVING SOCIETY I am one woman committed to solving social problems, hoping to put a few names after mine for this organization.  How it works Specify what problems have hit you directly. Answer all required questions. Wait for triage, and think about what you would like to contribute. Spread the word so we can get funding going.  Get an interview.  Consent or do not to having your interview published.  Contribute or do not to a proposed solution. Consider donating your skills or sign up for the compensated waitlist once our Transparent Budget is online and able to be properly distributed.  Decide if you want to be an acknowledged or anonymous contributer.  WSS believes that we are currently undergoing a crisis due to national inaction. We have decided to take these issues into our hands. Currently WSS is a volunteer freelance organization with very limited funding, but we will be allocating funds to our vetted volunteers as they arrive, i

Web Scraping As Metaphor: Energy Independence, Energy Codependence and the Bad Faith Actor

A piece of paper lies on a table. At first glance, it seems like it could reflect some sort of descr i ption of magnetic currents. On second thought, perhaps it is nothing but meaningless swirls. Several arrows point inward toward a circle. The number of arrows are written inside the circle. Then, we see these evaluated entities linking to others of their sort with other numbers and so on. It is a diagram reflecting a social network, but somehow it resembles in some ways a series of suns bobbling on a net of spacetime. Many are lost on this net, seeking out truth and information, but in many ways corrupting it. And those functions of “corruption” are in themselves corrupted by these entities, which, when they accumulate a certain mass become the infamous  corporation. The idea of the graph was to show how information diffuses and to show how “we are all interdependent”. As information diffuses across countries, it is evaluated not simply by mutual connection, but by economic factors as

A Catch-22 It's Hard to Miss: C's Get Degrees and Affinity Bias

  In college, I once met a straight A student. She was very serious and diligent about her work, knew   h ow to keep the perfect course load, and would often cry when she was scraping too close to a B. I still remember her fondly, as she had a very good understanding of her time and energy budget. However, I do remember one thing she said to me that sticks out, “You’re really brave going into STEM.” This was back before I relegated my cognitive neuroscience degree to a minor in favor of philosophy after suffering from burnout in addition to actually and genuinely loving philosophy more. I never asked her what she meant by that. I was not a straight C student, in fact I averaged A’s and B’s until I had to take a depression leave — twice. I double majored while working multiple jobs, and I didn’t have anyone teaching me about the impossibility of that from an energy economics standpoint. I’m not afraid to talk about that — student burnout and depression are real, and I wish more young pe

“Pay Yourself ” Politics; The Edited Concession and Popularity Fraud in Social Media and Politics

CW: R*** When I was in college, I went on a date with an individual who said, “You know what would make a lot of money? If there were a company that found the look alike of any woman and then found a porn star who looked like her.” Basically, the entirety of this man’s existence was premised on seeing a woman, finding a porn that reminded him of her, and then watching it.  To this day, you would be surprised by the prevalence of this type of individual. Welcome to  “ pay yourself” politics, where, despite the “obstacles” people get what they want despite whether or not the person giving it even wants to. Sounds related to r***? That’s because it is. Here are several ways that people engage in “pay yourself” politics. Creating films that express the catharsis they so desire and then publicizing them as if they were fact Using deep technology not for its ability to help the population of the world, but to comfort one’s ego in numerous ways Creating fake accounts and fake movements that g

Performative Nonchalance and Apathy: A Reflection on Addiction, Ethos, and Power Struggles in Honor of Earth Day

  I recently  just read an article  from where a police officer, Sergeant Ker Yang states (in regards to Chauvin) that police officers were “trained to appear confident, stay calm and avoid staring or eye contact.” Simultaneously, we see the statement “he appears altogether unconcerned with the desperation and agony just below him” and that “this wasn’t the face of fear or concern or worry.” Yet, obviously, he had complete cau s e to worry — he repressed it. He lost his job, he made a horrifying mistake. It doesn’t matter how excellent his performance of nonchalance was, he indeed had every right to be terrified and luckily for us, some semblance of justice was served. Why, do you think, might this be? As part of deescalation tactics, many officers are trained to downplay the weight of the situation or pretend to be unworried or nonchalant. For instance, when things are going really poorly for a top official, this might be the exact moment where he may laugh, discount, and a

“This Is Not What I Want”: Weaponized Receptivity and the Diffusion of Responsibility

 Medium link: Take away: When someone has no true conversion intent or means to convert their interest to funds, the exercise of catering is misused. We can apply that to social justice situations as well. You may have heard this before as "Don't explain yourself to those intent on misunderstanding you."  “This is not what I want.” There are two scenarios where this can occur. Someone identifying, currently, with the customer position. Someone identifying, currently, with a position of subordination to someone who is doing the thing that they want, which is not what this person wants. And when, do you think, do these things come together? First, let’s take a look at what it means to be a customer. When someone is in the position of a customer, they possess a few separate things. They are An interest in buying, and the potential means to buy